понедельник, 15 апреля 2013 г.

Lazy days

There are days when I feel completely lazy. Just don't want to do anything. I know there are many things to be done and yet all I want is to slump down on the couch in front of the TV with a cup of tea and stay like this for the rest of the day. And everything seems to be fine except for one thing - my conscience constantly reminds me how wrong this condition is and how many things I could do. Like mess on my desk doesn't move anywhere, pictures don't process themselves, dirty dishes pile up, etc...

And that's how I feel today. I know that the most important thing now is to find a way to get myself moving. I'll start from taking a deep breath, turning on my fav music and tell myself what the consequences would be if I stay on a couch. In the end, in this situation only we can help ourselves :) And what about you, do you have your tricks to overcome laziness?

11 комментариев:

  1. Maybe you are just tired? I never feel like I need a lazy day because I get bored, but I do get days when I feel tired and in need of a break. So I just have a little more sleep, some me-time and a workout. :)

  2. Like you, I feel really lazy nowadays. I've got lots of school tests to do and I don't know where I do exactly start studying. I'm tired and I want holidays ;)
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  3. In my opinion it´s so important to be lazy sometimes :) I like it to be lazy, too, and I believe that my mind and my body need than a break ...

    xx from Bavaria, Rena

  4. Haha, cute post. I do the same thing 4/7 days of the week!

    xoxo, Julie

  5. I love the bear!
    Yes, it's important to be active. I feel bad when I'm lazy and I don't do anything!

  6. Hi victoria,
    thanks for the comment. Followed you back.:)
